
YEAH! I finished my task early! Now I can proceed to reading project documents and making code revisons, prototype report and… nah!! Laziness got the better of me, so I spent the next two hours just reading my previous posts. Hmmmm, if I didn’t know me, I’d say I was a melancholy person. Probably someone with really deep thoughts. Someone who’s always sad and lost and searching.

Good thing i know better.. I’m just some shallow nobody with a penchant for words and things that rhyme. Anger and Sadness and Boredom are like keys that fit the doors of my wordbank, that’s why I usually write when I’m sad or bored or angry. And my posts almost always reflect that.

I’m a happy-go-lucky kind of person, I take whatever comes, and well, leave everything to the wind. So, just imagine me wearing my happiest smile when you don’t see a post here. Think of me being shallow and eating ice cream from a straw. Wish me to be out there picking up bottle caps, tying them together like beads of pearl. Better that than the reality that I may be stuck between server startup and wrapper classes. (“,)

Wish me luck for my journeys, my fellow wanderer, though I don’t really believe in luck, it’s the thought that counts.. And maybe tomorrow, we’ll find each other crossing the same road, or rounding the same corner..

Until then, it will just be this space, this void, and these words between us..

It’s so nice to be shallow once in a while =)

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