new shoes

So today my favorite brown wedge shoes finally retired. The stitches on one side was so worn out that I could actually see my big toe peeking out like a cartoon character playing peek-a-boo. It was over two years ago when I bought this pair that one summer day in BC, and it has been through a lot since then. It endured the endless rainy days of Vancouver, that freak winter storm in ’08, and it even survived a sip-lining expedition in Montreal after crossing half a dozen tree top obstacles. I guess I could say it was well worth its price and has served its purpose, after all, not all shoes can outlast jobs, friendships and even relationships – well done Aldo. But then again, this can’t really compare to my favorite Hush Puppies back in University – now that pair really weathered a lot of storms and a lot of soles. It even went up and down mountain tops in one piece – quite a great feat for a pair of high heeled dress shoes.

Some people put a lot of value in abstract stuff like time, commitment, affection, attention – and I must say it is wise for them to do so – after all aren’t the essential elements of life the ones our naked eyes can’t see? But in the daily intricasies of living, we often get sidetracked by the lack or loss of these invisible things that we tend to forget the little miracles that exist right in front of us – like an ant carrying a heavy grain of rice, a butterfly struggling out of a cocoon, a homeless kid taking the hand of another, a pair of worn out shoes telling stories of lives lived and forgotten – they look so commonplace that we overlook them or they seem so distant that we can’t relate.

Any which way, today I’m breaking in new shoes and I can feel blisters hurting my feet, I could whine and complain just because I can but then again I know a lot who have always dreamed of walking – so I’m thankful for the hurt because that means I can feel, and I’m thankful for these shoes that I can use to walk and hop and jump and run and at the end of the day, when all else fails,

…I know I can always get a new pair.

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