constant gardener

rachel weisz’ character in this movie reminds me of my father’s third wife, an (she’s a belgian). and just like tessa, she’s very much into helping indigenous people in “developing countries”.

this film uses a non linear style of narration, and this can alternately confuse and draw the audience’s attention on what the plot really is.

if i were a middle class citizen of a first world country, i would say that this is exactly the movie i need to watch to wake me up from my complacency and open my eyes to the reality of poverty in other parts of the world. but as it is, i am just another expendible person in this equally impoverished nation, and all i can say about the shacks in africa is: it looks a lot like our very own smokey mountain.

where: Greenbelt 3, Cinema 3
when: Saturday, 01 October 2005. 08:30 p.m.

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