oregon weekend

after mike’s birthday dinner at red robin last friday, jake, krissy, alvin, jason and i walked to hilton to pick up our rental, the roadtrip to portland has begun. armed only with a gps and a bag of cheetos, we bravely went where no frugal man has ever gone to – oregon – for nature trips, and what else – shopping, (again!?).

ok i didn’t really buy much in this trip, i was just in for the company and the travel, to get away from what’s familiar and see something new. i get bored when i’m in one place all the time, i always have this need to explore and discover the unknown, even if it will end up to be the same terrain as the one i left; so that was my excuse.

we spent the night in seattle tacoma and woke up bright and early to follow the columbia river gorge. multnomah falls was a sight to behold, it’s definitely not niagara but not kawasan either, pagsanjan is definitely much better, but hey, who’s comparing right? the trail up to the bridge was good exercise for our cramped feet. after the short homage, we went straight to business – filling the trunk till it can’t be closed unless you jump on it. broke and utterly content, we drove back to vancouver to reflect on our splurge ^_^