independence day

Last week was a series of resets and deletions in my life. I woke up and found out that my nano’s forward button isn’t working, I tried a reset but it wouldn’t respond. So I decided to bring it to the Apple Center for repair or replacement. The attendant took one look then erased everything! In 5 seconds my 2 gb worth of songs, photos, ebooks, and contacts were all gone! I walked out in a state of shock. She should have told me first that all i needed to do was reformat the drive and update the software to fix the problem, I could have done that myself and backup my songs too. what great customer service! She should be hit by a meteor rock from outer space (so Smallville!).

When I arrived home, I took out my Clie from the drawer, intending to update my expenses but lo and behold! It wouldn’t turned on! What is happening to my gadgets?! Turned out the battery went empty and all my data got wiped clean. Boohoo!

I guess this day is teaching me some hard realities about stuff. Sometimes things just disappear without warning, and you can never be fully prepared for that, but you have to accept it. You can’t just stay stuck in the I’m – so – shocked – I – can’t – believe – this – is – happening – to – me – What – have – I – done – to – deserve – this state. Sooner or later you will have to pick up the pieces and rebuild what can still be fixed. Of course, we shouldn’t forget the lessons, that’s the best part about making mistakes, we learn how to prevent making the same ones again.

As for me, I’ll move on, tomorrow I’ll take out all my CDs again and rip all the songs back to my ipod, then I’ll reinstall all the PDA apps that I need, and this time I won’t forget to charge everyday.

the dark side

i finally gave in to the dark side and bought a portable running on windows – the dell 710m, no i didn’t buy it just to play the latest sims 2 expansion pack (yeah lie to yourself some more!) =)

so far i’m loving the xbrite screen, but i miss the dock.. i want os x on this!! good thing there’s wincustomize.. i just hope the machine doesn’t crawl.

there goes my savings, now back to the drawing board,


someone gave me a pedometer for christmas. its a gadget that tracks the number of steps you’ve taken, the amount of calories you’ve lost and the kilometers you’ve covered. it’s a really neat device that looks more like a stopwatch. it’s probably a subtle way of telling me that i’m getting fat and i need to walk more.

i wish i could program this pedometer to tell me how many more strides i need to take in order to get to where i’m going, how many more miles i need to cover to find my northern light or how many calories i need to lose to feel good about myself =)

these are the things that matter that you can’t find ways to count.


for three days now, i’ve been sleeping at around 4 a.m. because of this darned game. i just uploaded the mobile version on my phone and so far im in stage 6 level 5 hehe, 2 more levels to go and i’ve finished em all. yey!

hehe it’s mundane triumphs like these that helps me get through the rest of the week. =) just got some mind bending news about a family prob 5 days ago and i’m so tired of all this brokenness, just want to push it back in my mind and think of other nuances

so on to better things: my current favorite wifi spot is starbucks insular, =) that place is so spic and span and new and comfy and best of all, their halloween treat upsizes your drink for free, what more can one ask for? *more power outlets* =p

video ipod

yet another ipod on the shelves for the holiday season, this one plays video.. check out for more details.

in the meantime, i’m crossing my fingers that the pda i’m planning to buy in sg will push through this weekend, and hopefully an ex officemate would be kind enough to bring it home by first week next month =)

arrgghhhhh, i’m running on empty, haven’t paid ri on the white case she brought home from her recent trip abroad, i should dial 911 again ang ask pa for some cash, hehe yep shameless, 24 and still getting money from my parents. when will i ever learn?